THERMOLENE® changeover distribution box 400A to 125A in flightcase

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ready for shipping:
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size (LxWxH):
600 x 855 x 1200mm
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THERMOLENE® changeover distribution box 400A to 125A in flightcase

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}}
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\viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\lang1031\b\f0\fs17 Eingang:\cf0\b0\par
- Powerlock 3P+N+PE\par
\tab - 1x MCCB 400A 4P\par
- CEE 125A 400V 5P\par
\tab - 1x MCCB 125A 4P\par
- 400A to 125A changeover switch\par
\cf1\b Ausgang:\cf0\b0\par
- 2x CEE 125A 400V 5P\par
\tab - 2x MCCB 125A 3P\par
- 3x CEE 63A 400V 5P\par
\tab - 3x MCB 63A C 3P\par
- 2x CEE 32A 400V 5P \par
\tab - 2x MCB 32A C 3P\par
\tab - 2x RCD 40A C 30mA 4P\par
\tab - 2x key switch\par
- 9x CEE 32A 230V 3P\par
\tab - 9x RCBO 32A C 30mA 2P\par
- 6x CEE 16A 230V 3P\par
\tab - 6x RCBO 16A C 30mA 2P\par
- 4x Schuko\par
\tab - 4x RCBO 16A C 30mA 2P\par
\cf1\b Extras:\cf0\b0\par
1x digital multimeter, 2x fans, 1x M12 earth stud\par

Powerlock 3P+N+PE
CEE 125A 400V 5P
CEE 125A 400V 5P
CEE 63A 400V 5P
CEE 32A 400V 5P
CEE 32A 230V 3P
CEE 16A 230V 3P
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